Business Registration Options
Select the option that works for your business.
Limited Trial Registration
FREE Trial on Licked
- Your business featured among other businesses, providing exposure to our vast network of customers for 90 days FREE
- Instant booking ability using your scheduling link
- Featured calendar using your scheduling link where customers can view your availability to book, eliminates time away from your work
- Assistance to get bio page started
Annual Basic Tier Registration
Lick the Fork
- Your business featured among other businesses, providing exposure to our vast network of customers
- Instant booking ability
- Featured calendar where customers can view your availability to book, eliminates time away from your work
- Ability to see low level metrics, how many people view and book
- Assistance to get bio page started
- Chat box assistance for technical support
Annual Premium Tier Registration (Recommended)
Take the Cake
- All of Basic, Plus+
- Ability to message direct via the app
- Higher level metrics, revenue, reach, etc
- Featured business spotlight for your area giving additional exposure
- Priority communication about vendor events to create exposure